Eric! Look at them grow!

The Erics just won't stop growing! At 600g plus, they are now on four feeds a day of 60g each. Best of all, they are now feeding free-standing. No longer do we need to prise open that beak; they squeal excitedly, desperately trying to get that elusive rubber syringe into their own mouths!

Little red has begun to lag behind number 2 and 3 in weight despite being the first to hatch, implying perhaps that she is in fact a little girl. I cannot help but conjecture about this, as their characters seem so sexually distinctive.

Their exercise regime continues in earnest, and they now follow me around the duckery like a dutiful pack of hounds. They are totally adorable, jumping between my legs when fearful, and last week, under the G-wizz! They lower their heads almost to the ground and those little beady eyes are cocked up in a look of pure distrust. A bit of puppy talk and numerous "come on then's" get them gee'ed up to continue...

Excitingly, their beaks are just starting to curve. Stay tuned for numerous beak shots!

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