Nene nesting has begun!

On the 29th of January, BBF broke her own record for the earliest laid Nene egg at Slimbridge. Upon approaching her nest that morning expecting to see glorious egg number 1, I was thrilled to see that it was in fact egg  number 3!

Needing a minimum of 40 hours in between eggs; this means little BBF must have begun to lay in and around the 25th of January! This proves doubly exciting to me considering that up until recently, BBF has been a 2 egg wonder, making a predominantly make-shift set-up beneath a bramble bush. With an average success rate of hatching just 1 gosling a year and with a 50:50 survival rate, BBF seems to have finally found the energy she needed in order to up her game :)

Keep tuned for news on the lovely pair in the weeks to come, and vote for your favourite pair in our Valentines love trail starting on the 14th of February!

Below, is the stunning 2011 nest of AVS and his wife BAF. My next post will aim to detail the different nesting styles and techniques adopted by all of our 2012 breeding Nene!

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