Otter highway

A saline lagoon update from wildlife reserve manager John Gowland about the creation of a new ‘otter highway’...

“A recent saline lagoon survey revealed otter tracks emerging from the River Reedbed, which then made their way up over the new view point path and down into the lagoon.

“The tracks then passed the River Reedbed pipe, where scratch marks were found at the base. If needed, this pipe is designed to add fresh water to the saline lagoon when salt levels are too high.

“The pipe had a large u-bend above ground, so I tried a little experiment and reduced the height of the u-bend to make it easier for an otter to crawl in and access the lagoon without crossing the path.

“On 21 September, less than a week after altering the u-bend, the otter has started doing just that and is using the pipe as a highway between both habitats!

“Who knows, once the lagoon is open and the otter feels safe to do so, he may well continue to use this pipe as people watch from the view point.

“Other lagoon highlights right now include flowering ox-eye daisy, yarrow, red campion and self-heal, while the River Reedbed looks great as the large seed heads drift in the wind.”

N.B. wet weather has further delayed the completion of our new saline lagoon habitat and contractors will be on site soon to repair damaged pathways, while the access gates are due to be fabricated and installed. We're aiming for a November opening and will be sure to let everyone know when a date is set. Thanks for your patience! :-)







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