Tuesday 13th November 2012

photo by Mike Youdale

The North American green-winged teal is showing well on the Folly Pond, displaying with the rest of the male Eurasian teal. He is one among over 2,200 teal on the reserve today, spread over the Flood Ground, Corner Field and the Folly Pond. taking advantage of the wet fields are 590 wigeon, 2 litle egrets, 26 black-tailed godwits and 8 redshanks. Fieldfares in the avenue hedgerows and a male hen harrier hunting the merses. Over 200 whooper swans at the roost on the Folly Pond last night with a good half of them at the daily feeds at 11am and 2pm. There should be a good display on the high tide today with all of the rain flowing down the rivers and the strong south-westerley blowing up the Solway.

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