A southern pochard experience...

Being in Madagascar until early March this spring, I missed out in part on a few important activites... One of these things was in part the stocking of the breeding aviaries. I came back in the third week of March and my colleagues just kind of went "ta daa!!!"

We have had amazing success so far this year, what with Ring-neck, Black-headed, Maccoa, Canvasback, Smew, Hoodie amongst many more. Every now and then however, there is a surprise!

Sparky loves a chance to get on the ride on mower, and thus took great relish in the opportunity to cut the breeding pens last week. I checked out all the pairs, and content that all females were on the water he set to it!

Look what I missed! I had previously thought throughout the whole season that there was only a pair of Southern Pochard in the aviary... Turns out there was a trio! This amazing tower of a nest was occupied by only 4 small little eggs. She is a young 2nd summer female, and what an amazing first nest design to create! It stands just over knee height, beautifully woven on top of a tough tussock of grass. She must have grazed grass for weeks on end to create the density necessary for her to sit on top! The poor girl has not yet realised that wet grass and healthy eggs are not a likely mixture, and I anticipate a poor show from this wonderful nest. It is all part of the learning curve however, and I have seen many a sillier nest over the last three years...

She is a fesity little girl, fluffing up and hissing violently at the passers by that are now so visible due to the mowing exercise. I am going to keep her number...

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05/07/11 Mo: What a clever, inventive little girl! I'd love to see her scrambling up the side of her creation! Maybe you will have a surprise when the eggs are due to hatch. Hope so.

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