Latest Sightings

Yesterday just before dark the TODD'S CANADA GOOSE (B. c. interior) was located on the entrance road to the reserve. This bird was first seen in the county back in October 2011 where it arrive in the corner field with Barnacle Geese. It later relocated off the reserve near Loaningfoot and arrive back there this winter.

Todd's Canada Goose, Photo by C.Shaw

The Todd's Canada Goose is browner and darker that the regular (Atlantic) Canada Geese you see in the UK. The bird has a long slender neck and a similar size if not a fraction bigger then the Atlantic Canada Goose. The birds breeds mostly in eastern and central United States. This species also breeds in  area south and east of Hudson Bay, also in Northeast Greenland and winters in the Southeastern USA and Eastern states.

Elsewhere on the reserve;

Much of the reserve is frozen so the birds are mostly favoring the Whooper Pond, Back Pond and eastern side of Folly Pond.

Whooper Pond

Whooper Swan 220+
Mute Swan 50
Wigeon 60
Tufted Duck 90
Teal 30
Pintail 1
Greylag Goose 40
Tawny Owl 1 (still in box to the west of obs)

Avenue’s and Trails

Yellowhammer 20
Reed Bunting 15
Tree Sparrow 3
Song Thrush 4
Goldcrest 1
treecreeper 1

Farmhouse Tower

Barnacle Goose 8600
Pink-footed Goose 1200

Whooper Pond & Badger Cam

Dont miss our live feed from the Whooper Pond and Badger Webcam!! During the day the camera points out onto the Whooper Pond, then come 5pm, the camera is moved so you can watch our badgers feeding.

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