Hello Humbugs!

The first Bewick’s swan jumped ahead of the rest and arrived at Slimbridge over the weekend! It was written on the cards – Friday evening saw perfect conditions for migration with light north-easterly breezes, great visibility and clear skies. North-easterly winds often bring wintery weather, and for many, the arrival of the swans from arctic Russia signals the onset of the winter season. I imagine we all noticed the drop in temperature over the last few days! This was accompanied by news of 300 swans arriving at Frisian Ysselmeercoast in the Netherlands and 229 birds in North Yilland, Denmark.

Swans on the Frisian coast (Wim Tijsen)



The following words from Dutch ornithologist Wim Tijsen then dropped into my inbox:

‘Hello UK-friends, did they arrive in Slimbridge, Welney, Martin Mere or Dunkirk? Could not be long... Wim’




Humbugs (Graham Hann)

Sure enough, at Slimbridge on Saturday morning, there was one swan confidently feeding from reserve staff! After careful study of the bill pattern, swan volunteer Steve Heaven recognised the bird as Humbugs. Humbugs was among the first to arrive last winter as a yearling, having learnt the way from old timer Dario, a famously early arriver. There is no sign of Dario yet, but his student seems to be learning his old tricks! Swans are great creatures of habit and often follow similar patterns of arrival and wintering site.

Humbugs could well have been the first Bewick’s swan to arrive in Britain this autumn but it is likely that others are close on her heels. One swan flew into Welney on Sunday and there will be many more to follow.....


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