More snow, more swans!

The big freeze continues and the swans keep flooding in! This December is set to be the coldest in the UK since records began in 1910, according to the Met Office. Food for the swans is becoming increasingly scarce as wintering sites across Northwest Europe remain under deep snow. A total of 318 birds have now visited Slimbridge this winter, still the highest number since 1991 when 356 had been recorded by the same time. With temperatures plummeting to -10C in recent nights, the swans have been spending much of each morning 'de-icing' their feathers by thoroughly preening them!







Old favourite Widemouth has returned for her twelfth winter, along with mate Winney. Both are ringed (TUV and BCH) and have been spotted stopping off at wintering sites in Holland and Germany on migration in the past. When in the UK, they sometimes enjoy visiting Welney and regularly take day trips away to Walmore Common, an alternative feeding (and sometimes roosting site) around seven miles north of Slimbridge.

The highest count of the winter so far was recorded this morning, with 259 birds (including 36 cygnets) observed jostling for position at the feed!

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