Swans on the move again!

Kleine-zwaan-2013-6The swans are slowly on the move again after stalling their journey during the big storm that affected parts of Europe. The strong winds and heavy rain will have reduced visibility and increased the risk of flying accidents and being blown off-course. There are now around 2,000 Bewick’s in the Netherlands (with 700 at Lake Veluwemeer and 483 at Lauwersmeer) (W. Tijsen, Thijs de Boer). Numbers have been dropping at stop-off sites as the swans move on in the calmer weather. There are only nine swans left at Enkuizen in the north where 90 had been hunkering down in the bad weather over the weekend (W. Tijsen, J. Jorritsma).

Swan watchers across Europe have been donning their binoculars and telescopes to try and spot ringed birds on migration. We were pleased to hear that Dutch ringed swan 124E was spotted alive and well last week in the Netherlands as this bird took an unusual route back to Russia via Fair Isle, between Shetland and Orkney, a couple of years ago (W. Tijsen)!

Zara_left3Back at Slimbridge, four new Bewick’s arrived this morning including Zara who was named last year in tribute to Olympian Zara Phillips.

Zara is now two years old and is quite easy to spot as she often loiters very close to the Peng Observatory and wears a green leg-ring (with the code ANZ).

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