Toby the whooper enjoys life at Slimbridge!

Every winter, one or two Whooper swans may drop into Slimbridge but are usually quick to leave again. However, Toby is happily bucking convention and seems to be making himself very much at home on the reserve. After arriving on 14 October with a friend who has since flown to pastures new, he has keenly attended the daily feeds, now shared with four Bewick's.

In fact, Toby is familiar with WWT hospitality having attended the feeds at Welney in the past, which probably explains why he settled in so quickly at Slimbridge! He was caught and ringed there in 2007 (L6L) and has since been seen hovering near Caerlaverock so it seems he is going for the hat-trick of centres!

Most Whooper swans spend the winter at sites further north, closer to their Icelandic breeding grounds, although around 3,000 also venture to Welney and the Ouse Washes in Norfolk where there is a plentiful supply of cereals and root crops. Judging by his behaviour, Toby looks set to stay at Slimbridge for a while longer yet!

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