Westerly winds stall migration

The predominantly westerly winds blowing this past week have stalled autumn migration and stemmed the flow of Bewick’s reaching the Netherlands and Britain. In the Netherlands, heavy rainfall has increased water levels at some sites making it difficult for the swans to reach the pondweed tubers that they like to feed on (W. Tijsen). The poor weather and lack of food have persuaded some swans to back-track their journey and return east. One Bewick’s swan, ringed 133E, was spotted by Thijs de Boer on the Lauwersmeer in Holland at the end of October but has now returned to Germany! There is plenty of food in other areas however with up to 2,000 birds reportedly feasting on stubble in Denmark (W. Tijsen).

Pazazz (C. Butters)
Pazazz (C. Butters)

Back at Slimbridge, up to nine swans have been attending the daily swan feeds, no doubt making the most of the food before they are joined by several hundred over the coming weeks. It was a nice surprise to see the return of Pazazz who first visited Slimbridge in 2003 but she is yet to find a partner. Most swans find a mate between 3-4 years old so at a grand old 12 years, Pazazz has been rather slow to get going...

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