Lake Sofia

Emergency Appeal

Lake Sofia in Madagascar is on the brink of collapse.

This vital freshwater lake in Madagascar's northwest highlands is drying up.

Lake Sofia Emergency Appeal

Minimum £5

An urgent appeal

Following catastrophic water loss from storm damage earlier this year, this home and haven for local people and endangered wildlife has become little more than a pond, surrounded by treacherous boggy land.

Without urgent action Lake Sofia will suffer total ecological collapse, impacting 10,000 people who rely on it and threatening critically endangered wildlife found only there.

There is a solution

Plans have been drawn up by the local community - in partnership with WWT Madagascar Team and Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust - for the construction of a dam near where the original breach occurred.

But with the rainy season starting in November, we have a matter of weeks to raise the £50,000 needed to begin work on this crucial project.

The dam itself will be entirely community owned, and provides a low-tech, long-term solution that will be able to protect this vital lake for years to come.

Water levels used to reach up to the pontoon where Felix is standing.

How your donation will make a difference

Construct a community-owned dam to secure Lake Sofia’s future.

Safeguard endangered species that call the lake home.

Ensure a sustainable environment for generations to come.

Follow our progress so far

Latest updates:

6 September Materials have been sourced from a local quarry. By order of the local Mayor, all available construction equipment is being made available to help set the road to bring materials into the dam location.

2 September Donations up to £24,500, thank you for all the support!

27 August Regional Government has approved plans for construction to progress


raised of £50,000 target

Lake Sofia

Emergency Appeal

Lake Sofia Emergency Appeal

Minimum £5