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Feedback and complaints

Here at WWT we are so grateful for the loyal and passionate supporters we have and we love hearing from you.

Whether you’ve had an amazing experience, have an idea of how we can do things differently or want to let us know when things haven’t gone so well – we want to know! We are committed to using our supporter feedback as a chance to learn and grow and make amazing things possible for wetland conservation.

Our Supporter Promise outlines the promises we make to you about the standards we endeavour to maintain. If you want to share your feedback with us whether good or not so good please email us or get in touch with our Supporter Service team on 01453 891198.

We know that things don’t always go the way we would like. Please use the above contact details to make a complaint and we’ll promise to acknowledge, investigate and respond in a timely manner. We take all matters seriously and always want to ensure we resolve instances when we haven’t got things right.

Some more information about our complaints policy is below;

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about actions taken or a lack of action taken by WWT. It will require investigation and in most cases a response to be produced.

Due to the breadth of our work, we know many of our supporters are passionate about sharing their views and opinions and we welcome these. We do however recognise the difference in the different types of feedback we receive and these will be managed accordingly.

We will always try to respond to a complainant by the same means via which they were received and are always happy to follow up requests in writing should this be requested. Any complaints received via social media will be invited to make a formal complaint via email, phone or post.

What is our complaint policy?

When managing the complaints we received we will always strive to:

  • Ensure it is easy to share feedback and make a complaint
  • Ensure each complaint is treated fairly and with respect
  • Ensure each complaint is responded to within 10 working days
  • Inform complainants of any delay
  • Ensure feedback is recorded and used to feed in to future decision making
  • Deal with complaints sensitively with only those who need to know and following any relevant GDPR requirements.

In most cases, it is our intention to resolve any dissatisfaction before it becomes a formal complaint. Therefore, we encourage supporters to speak to a member of WWT’s staff at the time they have a concern, where possible. We hope we will be able to resolve any problem swiftly and will do so if possible and appropriate. Where this isn’t possible we will follow our complaint procedure to ensure you receive a timely response and your concerns are investigated.

If for whatever reason you are not satisfied with this response you can request for your complaint to be escalated. Depending on which team was handling your complaint this may be our Supporter Services Manager or a more senior member of staff. If after this stage you are still not satisfied you can request this to be escalated further to one of our Management Board – this will be either a Director, the Chief Operating Officer or the Chief Executive – whichever is more appropriate. We will advise you of timescales when this request has been received.

A complaint can be made to the Charity Commission & Fundraising Regulator at any stage. Should a complaint be received via these means before an internal investigation it is likely the external body will refer complaints back to us to carry out our investigations. Should we not be able to resolve your complaint via our internal means you are able to refer these to either the Charity Commission & Fundraising Regulator.

Information about the kind of complaints the Commission can involve itself in can be found on their website at:]

If your complaint relates to our fundraising activity, complaints can be made to the Fundraising Regulator, of which WWT are a member. Information on how to this can be found on their website:

How do I make a complaint?

Complaints can be made by phone, email or post. Depending on the nature of the complaint we may require written confirmation or may need to request additional information from the supporter/ complainant to allow us to fully investigate.

Anyone wanting to make a complaint can email, write to us at Supporter Service Team, WWT, Slimbridge, Glos., GL2 7BT or give us a call on 01453 891198.

To enable us to respond and investigate as quickly as possible, please ensure you include as much information as you can for example:

  • Your name, address, telephone number or email
  • Your relationship to WWT (for example: client, member, visitor)
  • Any identifiers which may be helpful to us – e.g. supporter number
  • How you would like us to respond