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Leave a gift in your Will

There’s a beautiful, nature-filled future out there. A Gift in your Will can make it a reality.

A staggering 20% of our funding comes from gifts in Wills.

But your gift is about more than just money. Leaving a gift in your Will helps restore wetlands and unlock their power. It brings life, hope and health for generations to come because we know, when wetlands flourish, all life flourishes.

"I want to know that when I am gone I am helping WWT to continue their work and that the birds I love do not become extinct!"

Margaret Ireson, Legacy giver


If you are a solicitor or executor please see our information for solicitors and executors.

We're here to help

If you have any questions or would like to talk things over in person, please feel free to contact Lucy England, our Legacy Manager and our Legacy team in complete confidence. You can email us at or call 01453 891198.

Email us