Build your own den
As the summer holidays draw nearer, it’s good to have a list of activities to entice your little ones away from their screens and into the fresh air. Children of all ages love creating spaces where they can escape and create imaginary worlds, away from the real world outside.
So why not help them create their very own place? Somewhere they can do their own thing, whether that’s reading, diving into an imaginary or virtual world.
Or maybe they’re an avid birder watcher and they want to create a wildlife hide, a place from where they can spend hours spying on the natural world around them.
Building a den is easy. All you need is a little imagination. You can create a den in the smallest of spaces. You can make it indoors or outdoors, under a bed or under a tree.
Follow our easy steps to create that perfect space for your children and who knows, maybe even one for yourself, after all, we’re all children at heart.

Imagine your perfect den
Get the creative juices flowing by starting off by getting your den builders to draw a picture of their perfect den. They could label the different materials they need. Get them to think about what they could use to make it waterproof. What are they going to use for structure, what is going to be covered with, how do they want to decorate it inside and out? What do they want to do in it once it’s complete? What would be their perfect snack they’d like to eat inside to celebrate its completion?
Have fun finding your den building materials.
Delve into the attic or those cupboards under the stairs and you’ll be amazed by what you might find. Maybe you’ve got some old rope and some bamboo sticks in the shed, a couple of old blankets in the cupboard or some old sheets or duvet covers that have seen better days. Be prepared for a bit of chaos as strange things come to light. But from chaos comes creativity.
Start with the structure
As every good den builder knows, you need to start with a solid structure. If building outdoors, garden chairs and tables are a good bet and if building indoors, even a sofa can be a quick way to create a solid structure. Bamboo canes from the garden shed, or maybe you’ve got some bendy sticks or fallen branches lying around all offer possibilities. Could you re-purpose materials from your camping holidays?

Tying it all together
You might have some spare string or rope. If you have any old clothes destined for the second hand shop or recycling, cut them up and create rags to help tie the structure together. Even old bicycle inner tubes, cut into strips 2.5 cm wide make great ties and with many bike shops staying open, this could be a great option. Save any large bits of material like olds sheets and duvet covers, dustsheets and old curtains to cover the shelter with.
Time to decorate
If you want to use your den in the rain, you’ll need to make it waterproof. Plastic sheeting, tarpaulin, or tent materials are all good options. Or you could just use a variety of old waterproof coats draped over the structure. If it doesn’t need to be waterproof, why not decorate old sheets with felt tips or fabric paint and create your very own fantasy palace, castle or camouflaged hide.
Staying safe, stuff to avoid building with
Before your little ones set off on their creative adventures it’s good to get some ground rules in place.
Agree the materials that are best avoided, like glass, big bits of wood or anything heavy that could cause damage if it lands on someone’s head. Make it clear that tins of paints and chemicals are off limits as they’re bad for you and the environment. And make it clear that they’re only to use fallen branches and leaves and not to cut anything off living trees or plants.
For your own sanity
Agree before you start if there’s anything off limits that you don’t want your den builders to use in their dens. After all you don’t want your favourite table cloth ending up in a muddy pile in the garden.
Make sure that everyone knows it’s their job to tidy up after themselves and put things away neatly when it’s time to dismantle the den.

Now you’ve got your den...
It’s time for the adventure to begin! Inspired by forest schools, our range of outdoor crafts and creative activities will keep them busy and active in their den all day.
Your wetland adventure
Come to our wetlands this summer and take part in a range of outdoorsy wetland adventures including den building (selected centres only).