Celebrating WWT’s volunteers
At WWT we really couldn’t operate without our volunteers.
At WWT we really couldn’t operate without our volunteers.
At last count this amazing team of people contributed around 198,000 hours of their time to supporting wetland wildlife. The last few years have been tricky with our centres closed for periods of time, not to mention national lock downs. But now things are returning back to normal we’re delighted to be able to welcome our volunteers back in full force. In many cases they’re the face of WWT greeting visitors and educating people about our work but many can be found behind the scenes helping out in our offices too. Volunteer’s week (2-7 June) seemed like the perfect opportunity to say a huge thank you for everything they do.
People choose to volunteer with us for many reasons. And from talking to them it’s clear that they get as much out of it as we do…
My volunteering is… good for my mental health

“I believed it would be good for my mental health - I was right”
“It’s good for the soul - being outdoors, surrounded by nature and around good people.”
“Volunteering not only contributes to my own wellbeing and purpose but also allows me to make a small difference to our environment and hopefully the lives of others.”
My Volunteering is… being outdoors and around nature

“My other work life centred around the office environment and a computer screen, emails etc. - this volunteering was something completely different.”
“Just good to be outside and realise the importance of wetlands and conservation issues.”
“Enjoying Nature and the Seasons. The quiet and safety of being alone and not seeing anyone for miles around. Open Blue Spaces and feeling the winds of mother nature on my cheeks makes me smile on the inside.”
My Volunteering is… giving something back and making a difference

“I wanted to make a contribution, having been a member for many years, to pay something back for all the pleasure being a member has given”
“It's very pleasant being involved and contributing to something that I enjoy and is vitally important - loss of wetlands is very concerning and the relentless spread of developers needs to be controlled and sensible progress be carried out.”
“It's great to be involved in saving wildlife, feeling as if you can slow down climate change while encouraging others to appreciate the world around us.”
My Volunteering is… meeting new people

“Since volunteering at WWT I have learnt more than I ever imagined, learnt new skills and have found many good friends with shared interests. in my retirement it is the best thing I do”
“It is an ideal place for people from all backgrounds and experience to interact with people, passing on the conservation messages but at the same time, having an opportunity to learn, exercise and enjoy the surroundings.”
“Gives me a great sense of belonging to a community and doing my bit to promote understanding of the importance of wetlands”
My Volunteering is… increasing my knowledge and being inspired

“Being with, and learning from, the amazing reserve wardens at my centre.”
“I feel valued, feel part of team and learning about birds and conservation”
“There is a vast array of skills that you can develop. There are experts almost everywhere you turn and that combined with the practical skills you are developing will lead you to becoming an expert yourself.”

Thank you again to all the amazing people who give their time to WWT – we really couldn’t do it without you.
Volunteer with us
If you have some spare time and would like to be part of the team take at a look at our volunteer roles here. Whether you’re an outdoorsy person or a whizz with a spread sheet we’d love to hear from you.
Find out more