
Lost species: how the UK was once a much wetter land

Lost species: how the UK was once a much wetter land

Thousands of years ago, lowland Britain would once have been a much wetter place. There would have been a lot more wetland habitat all over the lowlands, filled with species you might not expect to see roaming the UK in great numbers.

22 December 2020

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - December Christmas Special

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - December Christmas Special

Join us for the final reserves roundup of 2020, where we hear updates on what's going on at WWT's 10 sites with a festive twist.

20 December 2020

Marvellous murmurations: why do birds flock together?

Marvellous murmurations: why do birds flock together?

Flocking birds are iconic sights in winter wetlands, when a group of birds come together in large numbers in flight or to forage. But why do they do it? We take a look at the bird behaviour behind flocking.

18 December 2020

How your swan artworks helped get lead shot banned in EU wetlands

How your swan artworks helped get lead shot banned in EU wetlands

As the vote approached, we launched a callout in partnership with BirdLife Europe to ‘share a swan’ as a symbol of hope. See a small selection of some of the artworks our supportive WWT community produced!

15 December 2020

Swanfall after a slow start to 2020

Swanfall after a slow start to 2020

Kane Brides and Steve Heaven update us on the - much later than expected, but nonetheless extremely welcome - influx of Bewick's swans to the UK this winter.

4 December 2020

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - November 2020

A spotlight on wetland wildlife - November 2020

Our latest reserve roundup is here. Birds that have migrated to our wetlands are settling in for the winter as the temperatures drop.

3 December 2020

Wetlands throughout the seasons: winter

Wetlands throughout the seasons: winter

As the temperature drops, our wetland world is transformed. While much of the world slows down, winter wetlands come alive with their own special beauty. Find out more about the sights and sounds of wetlands in winter.

1 December 2020

How to have a greener festive season that will also help wetlands

How to have a greener festive season that will also help wetlands

Make a more meaningful connection this festive season. We’ve put together some ideas to help you have a creative, fun and nature-filled Christmas while keeping down your water, carbon and plastic footprints.

1 December 2020

Rising temperatures are triggering changed responses in animal populations in the Arctic, new data shows

Rising temperatures are triggering changed responses in animal populations in the Arctic, new data shows

The Arctic is in the process of entering a new ecological phase, which potentially carries a huge cost for humanity. WWT have taken part in a global study to shed light on how climate change might be affecting high Arctic species.

5 November 2020

Migrations series: how birds use wetlands as migration service-stations

Migrations series: how birds use wetlands as migration service-stations

Migration is one of the biggest events in a bird’s life, and many rely on wetlands to get them home. From well-known wildlife destinations to more modest, muddy wetlands, here are just some of the world’s most important migration stopover sites.

2 November 2020

What lies beneath: monsters of the marsh – myths and realities

What lies beneath: monsters of the marsh – myths and realities

We’ve sifted through the murky depths of wetlands’ worst to assemble a horror cast of bone-chilling, boggy beasts. Real or not, this line-up is the stuff of nightmares. We dare you to dive below to find out more. Please paddle carefully

30 October 2020

Wetland Warriors: Tadpole shrimp and tardigrades

Wetland Warriors: Tadpole shrimp and tardigrades

There are two wetland animals that are unparalleled in their ability to survive whatever is thrown at them; extreme radiation, the vacuum of space… Being microwaved. Yes, it's the unassumingly named water bears and tadpole shrimp.

28 October 2020

Nights, camera, action! Device to record voyaging eels during hours of darkness installed at Gloucestershire reserve marking World Fish Migration Day

Nights, camera, action! Device to record voyaging eels during hours of darkness installed at Gloucestershire reserve marking World Fish Migration Day

A new acoustic camera has been fitted at WWT Slimbridge Wetland Centre to monitor eels embarking on their epic migratory voyage.

24 October 2020

Wetlands throughout the seasons: autumn

Wetlands throughout the seasons: autumn

From breath-taking scenery to epic wildlife migrations, autumn is when nature chooses to wow us with its beauty and power before slowing down for a period of rest and regeneration. So what can we expect from this colourful, dramatic season?

12 October 2020

Nature and our mental health:  An interview with Jolie Goodman of the Mental Health Foundation

Nature and our mental health: An interview with Jolie Goodman of the Mental Health Foundation

Social prescribing and embedding an urban wellbeing network of wild spaces are ways we can make nature more accessible for all. Read more about how this works in our interview with Jolie Goodman from the Mental Health Foundation.

8 October 2020