
Weather: cloudy with some bright spells

River wear tide level: mid


Wader lake:

Grey heron - 36 ( 29 nests occupied) (5 nests with chicks)

Little Grebe - 3

Avocet - 2

Lapwing - 16 (5 nesting on meadow)

Redshank - 2

Oystercatcher - 4

Black-Tailed Godwit - 1

Wigeon - 4

Gadwall - 9

Shoveler - 8

Teal - 8

Mute Swan - 2

Hawthorn wood:

Nuthatch - 1

Goldfinch - 10

Green finch - 8

Bullfinch - 6

Chaffinch - 8

Coal tit - 4

Robin - 3

Stock dove - 2

Moorhen - 1

Mallard - 2

Other birds noted around site:

Oystercatcher - 2 (Lagoon)

Redshank - 1 (Lagoon)

Reedbunting - 2 (Lagoon)

Willow Warbler - 1 (Lagoon path)

Black cap - 1 (Centre feeders)

Chiffchaff - 12 (across site)

Curlew - 12 (Lagoon meadow)

Siskin - 4 (Wader lake footpath)

Shelduck - 30 (Across site)

Tufted duck - 27 (Across site)

Other wildlife species spotted on site:


Common seal (River: Window on the wear)

Amphibian / fish:

Smooth Newt (Wader lake Reed)


Buff-Tailed Bumble bee (Hallow wood)

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