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1000+ Whooper Swan

Back with the sightings after a computer issue and a run down of the news from the past few days.

Goose and swan counts over the weekend produced 1088 Whooper Swan and 7600 Pink-footed Geese. Both species are spending a lot of time off the reserve but can fly in from 12 pm onwards. The Lancashire regional count of Pink-footed Geese was 40230.

Yesterday in the WWT monitoring swan and duck catch just over 500 birds were caught, measured and ringed. 8 species: Pochard, Wigeon, Shelduck, Whooper Swan, Pintail, Mallard, Greylag and Coot.

Some counts from last week produced 509 Teal, 297 Wigeon, 500 Shelduck, 335 Mallard, 59 Pintail, 5 Gadwall, 3 Shoveler, 90 Pochard, 13 Tufted Duck, 168 Greylag, 11 Cormorant, 4 Grey Heron.

Over the weekend a Bittern was seen in flight a couple of occasions. It's likely this bird will over winter on the reserve.

A good Marsh Harrier count yesterday with 7 birds seen. Also present Meriln, 2 Peregrine, 4+ Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and 2 Sparrowhawk. Two Barn Owl hunting from early afternoon.

Cetti's Warblers and Water Rails are active out on the Reed Bed. Not impossible to stumble upon the resident Bearded Tit (at least 8 birds) in the same area.

The usual waders with 900+ Lapwing, 60+ Snipe, 30+ Ruff and 10+ Black-tailed Godwit.

Great Black-backed Gull present sometimes hunting ducks, a Wigeon had a luck escape the other day.

Some small flocks of Fieldfare c.60 seen yesterday. Kingfisher present on site and 2 Raven. A few Redwing flying over, calling today.

Willow Tit and 2 Nuthatch at the feeders from the Janet Kear Hide. Finches and Reed Bunting there too and Great-spotted Woodpecker. Tree Sparrows can be seen between the in focus and on Barker Hides. Two pair of Bullfinch seen on the Nature Trail and Treecreeper in the Car Park.

Five or 6 Little Egret present.

A Swan Goose (below) was with Greylag on Sunday and again today, an unusual escaped species here. It's possible that the same bird was seen at Leighton Moss the previous week.

Belated news from the evening of 17th of an Otter on the Mere.

Call in at the in focus shop next to the Discovery Hide to report any sightings or to get up to date info on what's around and were the best places are to see things.

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