22 July 2024 update

Avocet and Oystercatcher 'shadowing' a Mute Swan.

The last of the Avocet nests have hatched on the Rushy with the Oystercatcher family from the Pondzone making their way here also. At least six adult Avocet remain to defend what appears to be broods of 1,1,1 and 2, two or three broods have fledged and joined the flock of 100 or more on the Severn.

South Lake

From the Discovery Hide, a juvenile Mediterranean Gull was on the North causeway among the Black-headed Gulls this afternoon. A single Great Crested Grebe was on the deep lake plus 8 Pochard. This morning, 12 Ruff, 18 Redshank, adult Mediterranean Gull and adult Common Gull were among the Black-headed Gulls, 11 Green Sandpiper, 13 Lapwing, 276 Black-tailed Godwit, Grey Heron, flocks of Coot, Gadwall, Mallard and Tufted Duck on the deep lake.

Estuary Tower

Distant views of Water Rail in Bottom New Piece, 28 Curlew, 81 Dunlin and 3 Sanderling as the tide flooded, Peregrine on the foreshore posts, 100s Black-headed Gull on the mud.

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide

A pair of Crane with juvenile, 4 Grey Heron, Great Egret, 2 Green Sandpiper, Avocet, broods of 2 and 6 Gadwall, brood 5 Tufted Duck.

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

Adult Spotted Redshank, 6 adult and 5 young Avocet, 2 Green Sandpiper, 6 Lapwing, Pochard, Tufted Ducks broods (2,7,9), Wigeon, 3 Redshank.

Tack Piece

4 Green Sandpiper, 12 Pied Wagtail and 3 Teal.


21 July 2024

Martin Smith Hide bridge

Beautiful Demoiselle damselfly holding territory.

Wild Safari

Five Kestrel, Hobby, Marsh Harrier and the juvenile Goshawk again over the reserve late morning.

Tack Piece

Early morning- 20 Little Egret, 2 Great Egret, 3 Grey Heron, 4 Green Sandpiper, 6 Coot, 2 Gadwall, 7 Mallard, Shoveler, 2 Barnacle and 6 Canada Geese, 4 Moorhen. Two Little-ringed Plover in the afternoon.

Little Egrets, Tack Piece.jpg

Rushy Hide/Peng Observatory

This morning- Spotted Redshank, 10 Ruff, 11 Redshank, Common Sandpiper, 6 Lapwing, Pochard, 13 Moorhen, 9 Coot, 20 Shelduck, 21 Tufted Duck, 9 Teal, 6 Shoveler, 12 Mallard (+ brood 2,4), Wigeon, 22 Gadwall, 2 Green Sandpiper, Avocets with young.

South Lake

43 Mallard, Black Swan, 7 Mute Swan, Heron, 33 Tufted Duck, singing Sedge Warbler, 90 Gadwall, 63 Coot, 19 Shoveler, 4 Crane, 6 Pochard, 74 Teal, 2 Oystercatcher, Avocet, 13 Green Sandpiper, 304 Black-tailed Godwit, 16 Lapwing, 14 Moorhen, 266 Black-headed Gull.


20 June 2024

Kingfisher Hide

Male Kingfisher sat to right of bank, Roe buck and large fawn on BNP, juvenile Goshawk preventing Kingfishers from coming to nest for a time.


19 June 2024

Middle Point

Brief Grasshopper Warbler reeling near the fence. Reed Warbler & Bunting, Meadow Pipit. On the estuary-15 Dunlin, 56 Curlew, 3 Oystercatcher, 49 Shelduck, 5 Little Egret, 11 Grey Heron plus Great Black-backed and Black-headed Gulls & corvids. Peregrine and two Kestrel.

Robbie Garnett Hide

Green Sandpiper 2, Oystercatcher 3, Great Egret 1, Little Egret 7, Grey Heron 1, Peregrine fly over, Little Ringed Plover 4, Lapwing 4.

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