24-26 June sightings

Returning waders are appearing on the scrapes, some in stunning breeding plumage. A single Greenshank has been favouring the Dumbles scrape and Tack Piece scrape, a smashing Spotted Redshank was see yesterday (25th) on the Top New Piece and two male Ruff are among Lapwing and Black-tailed Godwits on South Lake.

The Godwit flock commutes between the South Lake, Rushy and Tack Piece scrape so could be seen at all three or the entire flock together. Redshank are coming back as post breeding birds take up residence, they will moult with us. Great to see 5 fledged juvenile Redshank among this number with other pairs with chicks on the reserve. Beware as they are similar to a Wood Sandpiper or even Lesser Yellowlegs!

Lapwing are flocking together, at least 15 juveniles among them and can turn up on the scrapes, fields and estuary mud. Adult Dunlin in breeding plumage a favouring the Top New Piece, at least 9 yesterday. Green Sandpipers are about but scattered, no particularly high counts so far and can be seen on any scrape. We have well over 100 Avocet on site, partly thanks to 25 fledged young, they can be seen anywhere with shallow water or wet mud. Young broods on the Rushy with more to hatch here and South Lake

Lower water (as it evaporates) has been attracting up to 10 Little Egret, 4 Grey Heron and 2 2cy Spoonbill from last Friday (22nd) to 25th at least.

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