
Highest count of the autumn so far if Pink-footed Geese with 25500 in the roost this morning. Great time of year to pick out rarer geese among these flocks. No Whooper Swan influx as yet although this coming week should bring birds in.

Pink-footed Geese rising
Pink-footed Geese rising

News from the Reed Bed Walk with Cetti's Warbler calling. First report since mid spring. We apparently have the UK's quietest Cetti's! Also by the Sewage Works Chiffchaff.

Raptors included 3 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine (juv) 3 Common Buzzard, 2 Kestrel and Sparrowhawk.

Sparrowhawk eyeing the hedgerow next to the in focus shop.
Sparrowhawk eyeing the hedgerow next to the in focus shop.

Usual waders with 800 Lapwing, 20+ Ruff, 60+ Common Snipe.


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