26th May 2012

Another bright cloudless day with a stiff easterly breeze. Yesterday's Black-tailed Godwits have disappeared, replaced by 2 Greenshanks on the Floodground with a pair of Wigeon lingering ther [...]

Another bright cloudless day with a stiff easterly breeze. Yesterday's Black-tailed Godwits have disappeared, replaced by 2 Greenshanks on the Floodground with a pair of Wigeon lingering there too. Plenty of Willow Warblers singing, along with Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Sedge Warbler and Common Whitethroat. A Great Spotted Woodpecker is now regularly around the Peter Scott Trail feed station. Plenty of House Martin action, with nest sites on both Farmhouse and Observatory towers

Steve Cooper


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