Wildlife sightings 27/05/2022

Weather sunny/ mild

River Wear tide level..low

Wader Lake Species

Grey Heron(14 ad 8 chicks/juv 13 fledged) -35

Little Egret -1

Avocet (2 Broods of 1 chick each)-45 +2 chicks

Lapwing (1 Brood of 2 chicks) 10+2 chicks

Red shank -4

Oystercatcher 4 ad +2 chicks -4+2

Common Turn -152

B.H Gull -76

Shellduck (2 Broods 1 with 8 + 1 with 12) 30+20 ducklings

Gadwall -14

Shoveler -9

Teal -2

Tufted Duck -10

Saline Lagoon species

Shell Duck -2

Common Tern -1

Grey Heron -1

Sedge Warbler -1

Other Birds Species noted

Mute Swan ..River..-3

Herring Gull ..River ..-10

Grey Heron..River ..-2

Kestrel..Hawthorn Wood ..1

C.Whitethroat...Gully ..-1

Treeecreeper..Hollowwood..1 ad 2 juv

Hawthorn Wood Species

G,S Woodpecker -1

Green finch -2

Bullfinch -5

Chaffinch -4

Robin -2

Dunnock -2+1 juv

Lookout Feeding Station

Long tailed Tit -7

Willow Tit -1

Bullfinch -3

Other Wildlife species around site

Invertebrates..Buff tailed Bumble bee -1

.. Early Bumble Bee.-6

C.carder Bee -4

Tree Bumble Bee -3

Flora/fungi...Chive Flowers outside visitor centre

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