30th September sightings


Rather quiet in here whilst work proceeds on Scott House. All noisy and front of house work is on schedule to be completed by 15th October.
Teal 137
Redshank 1
Snipe 7
Grey Wagtail 1

South Lake

Nice mixed wader flock here:
Black Tailed Godwit 79
Redshank 27
Spotted Redshank 3 juveniles (roosting here but seem to feed mainly at Robbie Garnett Hide).
Lapwing 150
Snipe 3

Teal 150
Shoveler 30
Tutfted Duck 60
Pied Wagtail 9
Grey Wagtail 1

Zeiss Hide

A little quiet but tide starting to rise so worth a check in an hour or two.

Teal 880
Canada Goose 255
Ruff 27
Dunlin 60
Lapwing 140
Golde Plover 1
Crane 1 (whit,blue,black)
Grey Wagtial
Peregrine 1 (distant on estuary).

Middle Point (summer walkway)

Peregrine 2 on estuary.
Marsh Harrier 1 over spartina island.
Linnet 60 ranging over the Dumbles.
Meadow Pipits 30 probably many more in stubble field.
Curlew lots on estuary.

Holden and walkway.

Teal 70
Green sandpier 1
Ruff 1
Curlew 25 on Dumbles.
Greylag 240

Duck Decoy

Green Sandpiper 1

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