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4400 Pink-footed Geese

The Pink-footed Geese numbers are gradually building with 4400 in this mornings roost. Current airflows over Iceland look like stopping a big influx for the next 7-10 days or so, although birds currently in Scotland will come south as birds from here move to Norfolk. Watch this space!

At least 700 Lapwing on the reserve. Over 50 Snipe on the Mere alone. Plenty of Ruff and a few Black-tailed Godwit.

A notable influx of Grey Wagtail in recent days. Still good numbers of Swallow and House Martin feeding over the reserve.

The usual raptor species represented; 2 Marsh Harrier, Peregrine, 3+ Buzzard, Kestrel and a exceptional count of 7 Sparrowhawk.

It should be possible to see 60-70 species of bird in a full days birdwatching on site.

Across the WWT 'grapevine' we learnt that a handful of Whooper Swan have turned up along the east coast. We have had Whooper Swans in mid September before but classically mid October is the date of first arrivals at Martin Mere.

A new hide is being constructed on Woodend Marsh, built with money left by Gordon Taylor, who was a supporter and long time volunteer at WWT Martin Mere. New scrapes are being made and the new hide should give some close up viewing of waders and wildfowl in the years to come. This does mean that Woodend Marsh will be quieter than usual due to disturbance into October when the project should be complete.

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