Today's highlights

South Lake

Wood Sandpiper- the adult is still on site and favouring the exposed wet mud on the wader scrape. See image below.

Wood Sandpiper

Also on the South Lake- 30+ Gadwall, of which many are now in wing moult. 89 Black-tailed Godwit and 50 Redshank (includes one fresh juvenile) and at least three juvenile Little-ringed Plover. Three pairs of Avocet are still incubating eggs but it appears that most of the families have been predated. A family of Pied Wagtails are also feeding on insects on the scrape.

Tack Piece/Robbie Garnett Hide

Greenshank and 19 Green Sandpiper

Rushy Pen Hide

Green Sandpiper 2
Avocet pair with chick
Oystercatcher with chick

Martin Smith Hide


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