Heat & sun brings out the dragonflies

Mostly migrant hawkers out today but there are a few southern hawkers around, too. Paul Stevens photographed this southern hawker last weekend at Arundel.
Mostly migrant hawkers out today but there are a few southern hawkers around, too. Paul Stevens photographed this southern hawker last weekend at Arundel.

Gorgeous sunny day - lots of migrant hawker dragonflies about and some southern hawkers, too.

Reported around the reserve this morning -

Lapwing hide: snipe (6), Canada geese

Reserve & grounds:kingfisher, buzzard, red kite, teal, tufted duck, gadwall, blue/great tits, dunnock, chaffinch, grey wagtail, green woodpecker, house martins (10), mute swans, mallards, coots, moorhens, wood pigeon, robin, Canada goose.


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