Recent Sightings

Another excellent day with lots of new birds, mainly Pink-footed Geese, small flocks could be seen dropping in through out the morning, by late morning more than 600 had been counted. By the end of the day more than 800 had appeared.  The eclipse male Garganey is still present among 1500+ Teal. Other wildfowl counts today included 605 Greylag Geese, 139 Canada Geese, 213 Shoveler, 123 Gadwall, 51 Wigeon, 5 Pintail and 4 juv Shelduck.

Pink-footed Geese arriving during the morning (T. Disley)
Pink-footed Geese arriving during the morning (T. Disley)

An adult or 1st summer Pectoral Sandpiper was seen early morning but unfortunately didn't stay around and was last seen flying towards the coast with 2 Dunlin and a Snipe. This bird is very probably the bird that was at Lunt Meadows last night as it seems to match closely the plumage of that bird. Other waders today included the juv Bar-tailed Godwit which is still present along with 3 juv Little Stints, at least 7 Dunlin, 16 Black-tailed Godwit, 1 Green Sandpiper, 120 Snipe and 26 Ruff.

A record shot of the Pectoral Sandpiper from Ron Barker Hide (T. Disley)
A record shot of the Pectoral Sandpiper from Ron Barker Hide (T. Disley)

At least 3 Marsh Harriers were present as well as the usual Common Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. By the reaction of the Lapwings at one point this afternoon a Peregrine was also present!

Other sightings included the first Yellow Wagtail for a while, over 200 Stock Dove mainly around the Mere.

Kingfishers can still easily be seen at the moment from Ron Barker hide with 3 birds today.


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