18 snipe at Scrape hide on Wednesday

A snipe blending in with the reeds at the waters edge.
A snipe blending in with the reeds at the waters edge.

















Morning sightings from our wardens.

Wed 2 Nov

Werlands Discovery: Peregrine, grey wagtail, tufted ducks, green woodpecker.

Ramsar & Sand Martin hides: shelduck (4) shoveller (6), gadwall, teal, snipe, water rail, black-headed gull, common gull, grey heron, wigeon, Canada geese, Cetti's warbler, kingfisher

Lapwing hide: goldfinch, grey heron, stone chat, dunnock, blue tit

Arun Riverlife: shelduck, tufted dicks (21), teal (3), black-headed gulls, mute swan, snipe

Reedbed: Cetti's warbler, Water Rail, blackbird, blue tit, song thrush, mandarin duck

Woodloop: nuthatch (2), blue/great tits, dunnock, chffinch

Scrape hide: snipe (18), teal (15), shoveller (6), little egret, shelduck (2)

Tues 1 Nov

Lapwing hide: Teal, mallard, long-tailed tit

Sand Martin & Ramsar hides: shoveller, shelduck, teal, greylag & Canada geese, gadwall

Scrape hide: common sandpiper, teal, mallard

Arun Riverlife: mute swan, teal, mallard, dunnock

Woodloop: coal/blue tits, robins

Grounds & reserve: long-tailed tits, Cetti's warbler, blackbirds, robins, goldfinch, dunnock, water rail, moles

Mon 31 Oct

Wetlands Discovery: kingfisher (1), little grebe (1), tufted duck (3) , goldfinch, magpie

Lapwing hide: teal (8), goldfinch (5), Cetti's warbler, pheasant

Ramsar & Sand martin hide: Canada geese (49), shoveller (7), teal (16), gadwall (8), shelduck (4), grey heron (1), water rail (1)

Scrape hide: water rail (1), Grey heron (1), teal (29), little egret (1), kingfisher (1), snipe (1), Cetti's warbler

Sussex screen: kingfisher, mallard

Arun Riverlife: tufted duck (21), wigeon (2), pochard (2), Canada geese (57), greylag geese (8), mallard

Woodloop: great/coal /blue tits, dunnock, song thrush, blackbird, grey wagtail

Reserve & grounds: wigeon, pied wagtail, grey wagtail, tufted duck, raven, Cetti's warbler, shelduck, reed warbler, dunnock, chaffinch, wren, mute swan, long-tailed tits, goldfinch, Canada geese, pheasant.


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