
Plenty of singing Warblers around the reserve with possibly upto 5 Grasshopper Warblers in the Reedbed Walk area including one bird showing from the UU Hide, also plenty of Sedge and Reed Warblers. At least 3 male Whitethroat and plenty of Blackcap, a few Chiffchaff and Willow Warbler.

Plenty of Swifts arrived yesterday and were very obvious around the reserve with at least 20+ being seen, also House Martin, Swallow and Sand Martin.

Grasshopper Warbler from UU Hide (T. Disley)

Sedge Warbler from UU Hide (T. Disley)

Whitethroat (I. Bamber)

Both Little Ringed and Ringed Plover can be seen, the latter regularly on the Mere while Woodend Marsh from UU Hide is good for Ringed Plover. A few flocks of Whimbrel dropping in today, with groups of 4, 1 and 9 on the Mere as these birds pass through on the way to Iceland from Africa.

The usual pair of Common Tern were seen again, normally on Woodend Marsh from UU Hide but can be anywhere on site.

All the usual wildfowl are still present with a single female Pintail with injured wing on the Mere, Tufted and Pochard from Harrier Hide, Wigeon and Teal scattered around the reserve in tiny numbers. At least 2 Greylag Goose families with young out on Woodend Marsh.

A Stoat photographed on site today (I. Bamber)

Sightings of Stoat, Weasle and Water Vole today, the Vole was in the ditch by UU Hide as viewed from the Reedbed Walk.

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