
Happy New Year to all our readers!!

A round up of sightings so far in the New Year include the first Woodcock of the year which was flushed along the reed bed walk area by one of the wardens. A Raven was seen on Woodend Marsh.

We still have up to 5 Marsh Harrier on the reserve, also the usual sightings of Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Kestrel and if you are lucky Peregrine or Merlin.

A pair of Bullfinch and a Goldcrest were in the hedge in between Janet Kear and Gladstone Hide on the 2nd.

The female Brambling is still being seen at the bird tables by Kingfisher Hide if you are patient.

Still a few Little Egrets on the reserve but no more sightings of the Cattle Egret so far. Still at least 2 Goldeneye on the Mere most days along with excellent numbers of assorted Wildfowl, see previous posts for numbers.

At least 200 Whooper Swans at the afternoon feed today. A few thousand Pink-footed Geese around yesterday.

An unusual Coot with an abnormal shield has been seen very close to the Discovery Hide and In Focus shop the last couple of days and is often the closest bird.

Coot with abnormal shield close in front of In Focus (Tony Disley)

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