Greenshank and Ruff

Highlight of the day so far is a breeding plumaged Greenshank that flew in early morning and spent the day feeding around the edge of the Mere, often alongside the breeding plumaged Male Ruff that is still present.

Breed plumage Ruff (Chris McHale)


Greenshank on the Mere (Phil Williamson)

Other waders included a group of 32 Black-tailed Godwits, several Little Ringed Plover around the site including 3+ on the Mere. Good numbers of Avocet around the site with plenty of chicks.

Cuckoos are still being heard and seen daily, with a female that flew past the In Focus shop early afternoon giving the 'bubbling' call in flight and another male bird calling near the Harrier Hide.

Still at least 5 Whooper Swan on site and several Pink-footed Goose that will be staying with us through the summer.

Male Pintail on the Mere

Lots of butterflies around with sightings of Orange Tip, Speckled Wood, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Small White, Red Admiral

Also a few Dragonflies and Damselflies including Banded Demoiselle on the Mere

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