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Recent Sightings (18th-20th July)

Millennium Wetlands

The juvenile Goshawk was seen again on the 18th near the new viewing screen. On Deep Water Lake counts include c.100 Black-Tailed Godwit, 2 Knot, 45 Mallard, 2 Cormorant, 1 Moorhen, 5 Little Grebe and 4 Coot and a Mediterranean Gull.


Listen out for the faint whistle of Bullfinches in the grounds where a Treecreeper was also seen on 19th. The Observatory hide is a great place to see the many Greylag Goslings. Chaffinches are enjoying the bird feeders at the Kingfisher Café.


Gatekeeper, R.Werran.

Other Wildlife

The Big Butterfly Count starts today and the reserves is a great place to get out and see some! We started our count yesterday, tallying a total of 309 butterflies! Some special highlights included a Clouded Yellow and a Painted Lady. Also Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Green-Veined Whites are some of the really abundant species on site. Look out for the Common Darter that has recently began to emerged. Two sightings of Grass Snakes this week and 1 Slow Worm.

Clouded Yellow - Brian Grove


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