Saturday 21st July

Great views of Reed Warblers from many of the hides today especially Zeiss and Knott Hides


Avocet 4ad broods of 3 & 1.
Shelduck 28
Gadwall 7
Tufted Duck brood of 5

Holden and Walkway

Black Tailed Godwit 100
Lapwing 59
Green Sandpiper 2
Peregrine 1

South Lake

Oystercatcher 1
Redshank 19
Green Sandpiper 4
Black Tailed Godwit 50
Ruff 4
Lapwing 3
Pied Wagtail with young.
Grey Heron 1
Tufted Duck 13
Great Crested Grebe 2 ad 1 chick
Shoveler 4
Gadwall 14
Teal 8
Greylag 146

Zeiss Hide

Avocet 11
Snipe 2
Redshank 4 ad 1 fledged young
Ruff 6
Dunlin 1
Lapwing 132
Little Grebe 1
Teal 14
Black Tailed Godwit 75 arrived around 09.00


All 3 families (4 young) doing well yesterday evening. Watch from Zeiss, Hogarth hide and the Peng Observatory for best view.

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