A little Rain at last and levels coming up.

One of at least 15 Ruff on site today all in a bewildering range of plumage's.


Green Sandpiper 10
Black Tailed Godwit 5
Redshank 5
Avocet 11
Tufted Duck 11 juveniles
Shelduck 12 juvs
Gadwall 22
Heron 1
Grey Wagtail 1

Holden Walkway Hides

Green Sandpiper 5
Common Sandpiper  1
Black Tailed Godwit 5
Lapwing 27
Buzzard 1
Swallow 20
Sand Martin 11

Zeiss Hide

Lapwing 2
Curlew Sandpiper 2
Avocet 16
Greenshank 1
Oystercatcher 2
Ruff 3
Black tailed Godwit 48
Dunlin 101
Snipe 2
Redshank 3
Curlew 1
Teal 70
Shoveler 38
Common Tern 1 ad 2 juvs
Reed Warbler 4
Reed Bunting 1

South Lake

Ruff 13
Redshank 27
Green Sandpiper
Balack Tailed Godwit 37
Dunlin 6
Teal 14
Gadwall 21
Shovler 13
Tufted Duck
Crane adults in tall vegetation young nearby?
Great Crested Grebe ads and 1 young

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