Todays Sightings

Zeiss Hide

Packed with ducks including 32 newly arrived Pintail in there understated eclipse and juvenile plumages. There were 456 Teal, 29 Shoveler but just 3 Wigeon. Waders a little thin on the ground despite the high tide with 4 Black Tailed Godwit and a Ruff. One or two Snipe along the edges of the scrape and a water Rail and Cettis calling in front of hide. Two avocet are hanging on around 25 Lapwing and a couple of Sand Martins dropped in briefly.

South Finger

A lovely group of Shovelers, young Tufted Duck, a Little Grebe and close up Heron on the settlement pool. A flock of 52 Lapwing and 13 Ruff were feeding in the Tin Shed field (inland from Van de Bovenkamp hide). A flock of 320 Greylag and 60 Canada Geese mixed with a few Lapwing, 2 more Ruff and lots of corvids in the stubble from kingfisher hide was a very fitting autumnal scene. Another 56 Lapwing, 143 Teal and 15 Wigeon could be seen west of the Kingfisher hide.

South lake

A cracking flock of 90 Black Tailed Godwit, 25 redshank, 4 Ruff and two Little Ringed Plovers here with 54 Teal, 11 Shoveler, 2 Pochard and a Great Crested Grebe on the lake.

Holden Tower and walkway Hides

Six Cranes showing well from the Holden, another 178 Greylag here and 1 possibly 2 Sparrowhawks. A flock of 28 Wigeon were in the Tack Piece with 124 Teal and a handful of Shoveler and Gadwall.


Cutting and clearing finished in here for now and birds starting to return. There were 3 Ruff, a Black Tailed Godwit, 3 Green Sandpipers 4 Snipe and a Spotted Redshank. A Marsh Harrier was seen distantly.


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