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8th December 2018 Sightings.


At least 47 Bewick`s overnight combined With hundreds of Ducks and Geese is creating quite a spectacle on the 4pm feeds and the floodlit evening swan suppers a great time to come and see this spectacle.
Some 16 Snipe along the left hand edge of the lower pool are quite a sight.

Zeiss Hide

Big mobile flocks of birds moving between here and the Kingfisher hide. Hundreds of Wigeon Teal and Lapwing with Dunlin (230), Black Tailed Godwit (32), Ruff (1), Curlew (16) and at least 38 Snipe among them.
Mixture of Greylag, Canada and Barnacle Gees with the 51 Whitefronts among them.
Lots of Crane activity, at least 12 individuals including all3 young and the two unringed adult.
Some fantastic Peregrine watching when both adults were hunting cooperatively over the scrape and a narrow escape by a Dunlin.
No reports yet of Bittern (11.00)

South Lake

Teal 140, Pochard 18, Shoveler 42 mainly on thre Lake. A flock of 42 Black Tailed Godwits asleep on the scrape with 1 Ruff among them.

Tack Piece and Holden Tower

Bird spectacle building nicely here now. Golden Plover increasing through the day with over 1000 by 10.00, hundreds of Lapwing, Wigeon, Teal, at least 3 Redshank and 14 Curlew. One Snipe showing well at Martin Smith Hide and some great close up views of Teal, Pintail and a Gadwall. Another 4 Cranes  and Water Rail as ever showing well from Willow Hide.

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