A bird (almost!) in the hand

It was so cold at the weekend, this hungry robin almost ate his high-energy lard and seed brekkie straight from the warden’s hand!

Our reserve manager John Gowland said: “All of our birds have been feeling the cold recently – the exotic collection birds have been taking on extra food from the daily feed wheelbarrows and we have added willow shelters and straw into their exhibits, protecting them from the worst of the winter weather.

“The wild birds at Hawthorn Wood have also been flocking to the feeders in search of high-energy peanuts, sunflower seeds and lard, to help them survive the cold weather.

“We had a count of 11 robins at the feeding station on Saturday 10 February, all of which were waiting for me to add fresh lard and seed mix into the stumps of the tree trunks.

“One robin was so impatient it landed on my arm for a few seconds as I applied its breakfast to the stump and I managed to get a shot of a second robin waiting less than a foot away for its turn!”

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