A black redstart, a jack snipe & eleven marsh harriers

Flock of mostly male teal at the Ramsar hide, displaying.
Increase in teal with the colder weather     Photo: Romney Turner

Mon 26 Nov

Sand martin / Ramsar hide: 2 wigeon, 17 shoveler, 16 shelducks, 12 snipe.

Lapwing hide: 10 snipe, 1 water rail.

Scrape hide: 3 little grebes, 1 water rail.

Reedbed: black redstart, 10 manadrin duck overflying.

Pathways: firecrest, red admiral butterfly, wasps, common darter dragonflies.

A black redstart at the recent cut in the reedbed.

Sun 25 Nov

Sand martin / Ramsar hide: 2 grey heron, 2 little egret, 14 shelduck, 12 teal, 9 shoveler, 1 wigeon, 6 gadwall, 2 snipe.

Wetlands Discovery channel: 1 pochard.

Lapwing hide: 12 snipe, 4 teal. Scrape hide: 40 teal.

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 2 little grebe, 30 tufted duck, 1 little egret.

Lost reedbed: 9 marsh harriers (roost)

Sat 24 Nov

Sand martin / Ramsar hide: 6 shoveler, 1 grey heron, 4 snipe,9 shelduck, 7 gadwall, 23 teal, 1 tufted duck, 1 little grebe.

Lapwing hide: 4 teal, 17 snipe, 5 shoveler, 3 gadwall, 1 little grebe, 1 jack snipe.

Arun Riverlife lagoon. 8 tufted duck, 1 water rail, 1 little egret, 1 pochard, 1 mandarin.

Wetlands Discovery: 1 grey heron, 1 water rail.

Lost reedbed: 11 marsh harriers (roost)


Fri 23 Nov

Sandmartin / Ramsar hide: 3 cormorant, 12 shelducks, 4 snipe, 15 shoveler, 3 gadwall, 1 wigeon, 40 teal.

Scrape hide: 5 gadwall, 4 teal, 1 kingfisher.

Arun Riverlife: 15 tufted ducks, 1 little egret, 2 pochard.

Long path: 3 bullfinches

Lapwing hide: 6 snipe, 1 kingfisher, 2 barn owls (at closing).

Redbeds: water rail.

Woodland Loop: marsh tit.


Thurs 22 Nov

Arun Riverlife lagoon: 21 tifted duck, 2 little egret, 4 pochard.

Sandmartin / Ramsar hide: 11 shelduck, 6 shoveler, 1 grey wagtail, 1 kingfisher.

Ramsar hide: 13 teal.

Millstream: 2 tawny owls


Wed 21 Nov

Sandmartin / Ramsar hide: 14 shelduck, 3 tufted ducks. 5 shoveler, 3 teal.

Offham hangar: 1 red kite, 1 buzzard.

Lapwing hide: 1 cormorant, 1 grey heron.

Arun Rverlife lagoon: 1 grey heron, 3 little egret, 1 pochard, 16 tufted duck.

Scrape hide: 1 little grebe.

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