A cold start

It's another cold start on the reserve with lots of ice around, and out on the river another big tide forecast to be 10.4m

It's another cold start on the reserve with lots of ice around, and out on the river another big tide forecast to be 10.4m!

South Lake
An adult Great Crested Grebe was on the deep lake this morning along with the over-wintering juvenile. A pair of Oystercatcher were on the causeway whilst other waders on the frozen scrape included 450 Lapwing, 3 Snipe, 84 Dunlin and 3 Ruff. Duck numbers included 5 Pintail, 108 Tufted Duck, 12 Pochard, 76 Teal, 88 Shelduck and 23 Shoveler.

Zeiss Hide
With the cold start there was a bit of ice around this morning and the Wigeon flock was reduced to around 250 birds with the rest out on the river. Waders toughing it out included 600 Lapwing, 8 Snipe, 129 Dunlin and 5 Ruff.

Robbie Garnett Hide
A flock of 498 Golden Plover were on the Tack Piece this morning with the usual large flock of Lapwing and around 250 Dunlin. Closer to the hide were 12 Redshank mixed amongst the Wigeon and Teal flock. Towards the Holden Tower were 143 White-fronted Geese.

Willow Hide
Three Water Rail were under the feeders this morning.

Holden Tower
Five Redshank were pushed up by tide and out on the water were at least 650+ Wigeon but with more likely hidden below the upper shelf as the tide failed to reach its full forecast potential. A group of 18 Great Black-backed Gulls were roosting on Dumbles and a Little Egret flew down river.

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