A few more Avocets

As daytime temperatures peak in their mid-teens there have still been some cold nights with some ice around this morning, but we've still seen a few more Avocets arrive on the reserve

As daytime temperatures peak in their mid-teens there have still been some cold nights with some ice around this morning, but we've still seen a few more Avocets arrive on the reserve. There are also lots of resident birds in full song including Dunnock, Robin, Chaffinch, Blue Tit and Song Thrush.

Holden Tower
The two family groups of Cranes were on the Dumbles this morning - Oakie and Sherbert with their juvenile, and Ruby with her juvenile plus the long-staying unringed adult. The Peregrine pair caught breakfast and were busy plucking and feeding on the spartina island where a male Stonechat was keeping watch. Closer to the hide on the Pillbox Pool were a flock of 140 Wigeon, and over on the Long Ground Pool were 73 Tufted Duck, 19 Pochard, 3 Wigeon, 16 Shoveler and a few Gadwall.

Robbie Garnett Hide
Waders around the shoreline included 27 Ruff, 19 Redshank and a pair Oystercatcher whilst the Wigeon flock numbered 1042 birds.

Zeiss Hide
At least 31 Snipe were showing well from lower floor of hide looking towards Van de Bovenkamp Hide. Also 430 Wigeon, 62 Golden Plover, 1179 Lapwing, Grey Heron. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming in the Spinney.

South Lake
Two pairs of Oystercatcher (including one mating pair) were at either end of the wader scrape where other waders included 489 Lapwing, 53 Black-tailed Godwit and 18 Dunlin. The Avocet flock of 28 birds dropped in mid-morning having first been seen out on the Top New Piece from the Zeiss Hide. A total of 18 Snipe were seen, with most hidden in the Juncus rushes in front of the Hogarth Hide. Duck on the deep lake included 45 Pochard and 36 Tufted Duck and the Great Crested Grebe was also present. Nine Cormorant were perched up.

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