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A hatching duckling

_DSC7067 copy (1)Every day this week we are telling you how a duckling develops and hatches from an egg.

On average it takes 16 - 18 hours for a duckling to hatch. The duckling is very tired when it hatches and will often just want to rest and stay warm until it dries and becomes fluffy. Ducklings are not waterproof when they are born, it usually takes a few days. Ducklings are fed on a diet of chick crumbs at Martin Mere which is high in protein and easy to digest. By the age of 8 weeks the ducklings are fully grown.

Downy duckling week starts at Martin Mere on Saturday 25 May. You can come along to a candling workshop to see how a duckling develops inside an egg, you can watch chipping eggs and also wander through our duckling nursery every day over the half term holiday.

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