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A new look for Martin Mere’s otter enclosure

Exciting changes are coming to Martin Mere as our Asian Short-clawed Otters are getting an extension to their enclosure.

Exciting changes are coming to Martin Mere as our Asian Short-clawed Otters are getting an extension to their enclosure. The new, larger area will have a number of features, including panoramic windows around the enclosure and a purpose-built private housing area.

The works, scheduled to start on Monday 23rd September, will include removing some of the existing concrete walls to increase the size of the enclosure by a third and replacing the walls with panoramic windows. These windows will not only benefit the otters, but will give you a better view of our cheeky sisters and some amazing photo opportunities for those with an interest in photography. A new seating area will also be installed so you can sit and watch the comings and goings of the pair.

Aviculture and Captive Animal Manager Steve Nasir said:

“We’re really excited to be building this extension to the otter enclosure. The otters are a firm favourite with staff and visitors and this new enclosure is going to be a big hit for all involved. The otters will benefit from a larger area and the windows give better views for visitors.”

As well as a larger on-view area, a purpose built private housing area is also being built to make it much easier and safer for keepers to clean the otter enclosure, and it will also make the process much less stressful for the otters.

Whilst the work is taking place, our otters will be moved off-show to a temporary home, but they’ll hopefully be back in their shiny new enclosure from December. We’ll keep you updated on progress on our social media channels so make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Twitter.

Special thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery for their help with this new enclosure.

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