A new Spotted Redshank...

Zeiss Hide/Top New Piece

We have dropped the levels of the flood to coincide with the high tides, over 1000 Teal were roosting and wader interest was good as usual. An adult Spotted Redshank has arrived, it was fishing in the shallows. The two juvenile Little Stint were favouring the drier mud and Ruff for company, the latter species numbered nine. 5 Redshank, 115 Dunlin, 2 Green Sandpiper, 3+ Snipe and 60 Lapwing were also present. More species are likely over the tide. 150 Wigeon came in off the estuary with 10 Pintail.

South Lake

Two juvenile Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Dunlin, 30 Snipe (some very close to the hide), 24 Redshank, 100 Black-tailed Godwit, 200 Lapwing, 11 Ruff, 150 Teal were on the wader scrape. On the deep lake a Great Crested Grebe and Pochard were among 70 Tufted Duck.

Holden Tower

A vocal and mobile Golden Plover flew about over 500 Greylag Geese and 180+ Barnacle Geese. Single Yellow Wagtail and 2 Wheatear were on the grass.

Rushy Pen Hide

*Note we are working in the area this week, some disturbance is likely.

5 Snipe, 5 Lapwing and 90 Teal.

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