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A reserve first - Obscure Wainscot

Some milder nights have seen our reserve placement students running the moth trap. The reserve has a reasonable list with ~ 560 species of moth recorded. Saturday night produced a good catch including Obscure Wainscot (picture below by Maria Scullion), a wetland specialist and new for Martin Mere.

Last night the catch included some scarcely recorded moths including this Pebble Hook-tip, a 3rd record for the reserve.

Any foliage is worth checking. Our featured image is of Eucosma cana on it's thistle food plant.

Out on the Reed Bed 5 Cetti's Warbler singing and 2 Water Rail.

Yesterday's peat stained Whooper Swan is still present on the Mere. Also there 3 pair of Common Tern, 2 pair with chicks.

Waders on site include Lapwing, Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, 118 Black-tailed Godwit and Redshank.

A Hobby was hunting out on Woodend Marsh/Plover Field/Doehyles mid afternoon. Kingfisher from the Harrier Hide.

Two Green Sandpiper on Woodend this afternoon.

Cuckoo still present.

Banded Demoiselle between Woodend and the Reed Bed.

Two young Stoats were seen playing on the Nature Trail near the Janet Kear Hide.

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