Amazing what a little rain can do

Just a little rain overnight and the fields looking really great. Amazing how quickly large numbers of waders return after a cold spell.

Holden Tower and Tack Piece.

Bewick's Swan 49 (112 overnight)
Whitefronted Goose 128 Great views in the tack piece.
Wigeon 980
Golden Plover 890 and increasing steadily
Lapwing 1940 counted quickly on the Tack Piece and a further 500+ in fields to the north.
Dunlin 130 widely scattered
Curlew 12 in the Tack and more to the north.
Snipe 3
Jack Snipe 1 viewable but superbly camouflaged in its usual spot on the back right of the right hand island from the Martin Smith hide.
Ruff 6
Redshank 4
Crane 10 including 2 juvs and the unringed bird.
Water Rail reports of 3 from the Willow, singles briefly at the Martin Smith and close in to the foot of the Holden Tower

Zeiss and South Finger Hides.

More of the same from here some stunning birdwatching
Barnacle Goose 260
Wigeon 650
Teal 220
Pochard 38
Lapwing 1850
Oystercatcher 2
Redshank 6+
Dunlin 650
Curlew 6 close to Kingfisher.
Ruff 20+ good views from Kingfisher and Zeiss.
Snipe 96 and probably many more in the short rush areas through the middle of the Top New Piece infront of the Zeiss.
GBB Gull 2
Little Egrei 1 from Kingfisher hide.
Water Rail single close to Zeiss infront of the reed bed viewing screens and from the Kingfisher hide.
Cettis 1 calling infront of Zeiss Hide.
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1 drumming in spinney behind Zeiss.

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