An upcoming big event
Thank you for all of your birthday wishes - I had a nice relaxing day on my birthday and recharged the batteries so that I am ready for the next school holiday that starts in just over three weeks.
We have a very big event coming up on Tuesday evening - it is the official launch of the canoe safari and Mere side cafe with all the funders and supporters of the project. We are expecting about 80 guests in total and it will include a buffet reception, a tour of the reedbed walk and the opportunity for everyone to have a go on the canoes. I am quite nervous as I always want events like this to go to plan and I have spent the last couple of days confiming the agenda, the menu, following up the guest list etc. I also have to do a speech that I want to get right so I have been making notes to use. I am sure it will be fine and I will let you next Wednesday how it all goes.
In other news, we have had our internal zoo inspection this morning - every 90 days we have a good walk around with HQ staff to check everything and it is good as it ensures we always maintain our high standards for animal care. We also have good meetings scheduled for tomorrow with Wigan FC and the Scarisbrick Hotel in Southport so I will also let you know how they go.