Another mild day

Holden Tower

The European White-fronted Goose flock has increased to 32. Two Peregrine were also present on the foreshore fence.

South Finger Filtration beds

The sunny and still morning has encouraged passerines to show well. A Chiffchaff was touring the willows and joined the roving tit flock in the hedges. Reed Bunting (pictured) and Great spotted Woodpecker also showing well by the Van de Bovenkamp Hide.

Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide

The Longhorn Cattle were being taken off the Bottom New Piece so many of the birds had temporarily moved to the N end of Top New Piece or the Tack Piece A Cattle Egret was among the herd but flew over the seawall, perhaps to join the sheep?

700 Wigeon were present but 500 flew off to the Tack Piece with many of the Teal. 75 Pintail remained on the scrape among the flock of c300 Canada Geese. 15 Snipe were viewable in the cut rush at the N end of the field and rush islands. Four Skylark low over to the Dumbles.

South Lake

35+ Herring, 5+ Lesser Black-backed Gull and 280 Black-headed Gull were roosting on the scrape. 16 Shelduck, 36 Shoveler, 42 Black-tailed Godwit, 60+ Lapwing, 6+ Snipe, Great Crested Grebe, 11 Cormorant among the highlights.

Tack Piece

Count estimates made before 0800 were 310 Lapwing, 9 Redshank, 210 Wigeon and 400+ Teal however numbers had probably increased here after this due to birds arriving from Top New Piece. Golden Plover have been arriving later in the morning.

Rushy Hide

240 Tufted Duck, 70+ Pochard and 90 Shelduck among the throng of ducks.

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