Baby boom in time for Easter at Slimbridge

A nene and its gosling exploring the grounds at WWT Slimbridge by Dominic Heard


The first Nene Chicks hatched at Slimbridge in March 2013 taken by Pheobe Young.

Families will see the first baby birds of the year on their trip to WWT Slimbridge this Easter holidays.

The Centre’s first Hawaiian geese have hatched this week with many more expected to follow over the next fortnight.

These geese, which are the rarest species of goose in the world, always hatch early as they keep to the timings they would in their native Hawaii.

The arrival of young from these early-laying geese at WWT Slimbridge tends to signal the start of spring.

Elsewhere on the site birds are busy courting and nest-building and insects and flowers are emerging.

Families visiting over Easter weekend (from 29 March to 1 April)  will be able to see the signs of spring while they follow a fun egg trail through the grounds.




Laura and one of the colourful egg characters

Large colourful eggs have been hidden around the grounds and families who spot them will be rewarded with a chocolate treat on their return.

Laura Cowlrick, assistant manager, said: “There is so much to see here at this time of year and this fun trail is a way to guide our families around our beautiful grounds.

“These colourful eggs will be hard to miss if they explore well and along the way they can look out for goslings and see other bird species busy making nests or trying to attract a mate.”

There will also be paper arts and crafts back at the visitor centre and the canoe safari will be open.

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